
Invincibell E Landscape

Invincibell E Landscape

Invincibell E has two alternating blue LED lights active 24 hours a day (highly visible at night). It contains a siren, strobe light, tamper circuit and a power cell.

Invincibell E Portrait

Invincille Plus Portrait

Exterior sounder with the same specification as the Invincibell E Landscape, the box is turned through 90 degrees for the portrait view.

Invincibell Plus


Exterior sounder with the same specification as the Invincibell E, but also has full box back lit illumination, for added visiblity in the dark.

LCD Keypad


LCD keypad with a back lit screen and keypad, one full set and three part sets (ie day and night),upto fifty different codes.

LCD Proximity Keypad


Same specification as the LCD keypad, but with the option of upto forty nine individual proximity key fobs.

Invincibell Plus At NIght


The Invincibell E has the two blue LED lights (as above). So does the Invincibell Plus but also has back box illumination.

PIR (Passive Infared) Sensor


PIR (passive infared) sensor usually positioned in the corner of a room, 90 degree viewing angle upto 12 meters.

Dual Tech PIR Sensor


Dual tech PIR sensor designed for hostile envoirments such as garage and conservatories.

Pet Tolerant PIR Sensor


Pet PIR sensor, designed to allow you to set your alarm with your pet still in your home when the alarm is set.

Smoke, Heat or Rate of Rise


Smoke, heat or rate of rise detector, active 24 hours a day. When activated they will set the alarm off with a different tone.

Panic Button

panic button

Panic buttons can be placed anywhere in your home, active 24 hours a day, incase of emergency.

Internal Sounder/Speaker


Internal sounder that will give you increased volume on entry and exit. Also full volume if a burglar breaks in.

Vibration Detector


Vibration detector usually on windows and door, will detect violent vibrations ie burglar trying to break in.

Door Contact White and Brown


Surface mounted door contact, usually positioned on top of a door, activated when the door is opened.



Autodialler with LCD screen and keypad. Dials upto four telephone numbers, landline or mobile with a pre recorded message.

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